Biosecurity Protocol

Biosecurity protocols applied in the hostels.
Our protocol with all our guests:

Proper use of mask when entering.

Temperature Taking.

Place shoes on a mat to disinfect them.

Handwashing upon entry and during your stay every three hours, for 20 to 30 seconds

Use our disinfection points.

When coughing or sneezing, cover the mouth and nose with a disposable tissue or use the inside of the elbow.

Keep a distance of 2 meters between you and other guests in our areas.

On-site incident response protocol.

Technological innovations.


  • Training has been provided to all our staff about the general concepts, the form of contagion and the preventive measures against Covid-19.
  • Newsletters and talks with individual and home care measures have been permanently socialized.
  • We’ve been informed that the best measure to avoid contagion is social distancing, cleaning and disinfecting areas and the use of protective elements.
  • We’ve been informed that self-report of health conditions is mandatory for entry to work sites.
  • The correct hand washing process has been disseminated through the communication channels.
  • Communication channels have been established to be attentive to the news and health status of our collaborators.

The main measures to contain the transmission of the virus are the following:


Social distancing

Use of mask or PPE

In addition to these measures and taking into account the mechanisms for the spread of the virus (mouth and nose exposure and contact), we have processes for cleaning and disinfecting elements and supplies of regular use, surfaces, frequently used equipment, waste management, proper use of Personal Protection Elements-PPE and we optimize the ventilation of the spaces in compliance with hygienic sanitary conditions.

The measures to contain the transmission of the virus are described in a specific way below.